A blog about C#, Python, Azure and full stack development

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  • AZ-204 Revision Notes – Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)

    AZ-204 Revision Notes – Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)

    What is MSAL? The Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) enables applications to authenticate users using a variety of Microsoft identities. It allows applications to leverage the Microsoft identity platform, supporting authentication with Microsoft accounts, Azure AD accounts, and accounts from other identity providers that are integrated with Azure AD. Key Features MSAL vs. ADAL MSAL is…

  • Type Checking in Python with mypy

    Type Checking in Python with mypy

    Python, a dynamically typed language, has been embraced by developers worldwide for its flexibility and ease of use. However, as projects grow in size and complexity, the lack of static type checking can lead to runtime errors that are hard to trace. Enter mypy, an optional static type checker for Python that bridges the gap…

  • How to Use Attributes in C#

    How to Use Attributes in C#

    TLDR: Understanding Attributes Attributes are a method of associating metadata, or declarative information, with code. After an attribute is associated with a program entity, it can be queried at runtime using reflection. Some properties of attributes include: Using Attributes in Code Attributes can be placed on almost any declaration. In C#, you specify an attribute…

  • How to Use the Nullable Type in C#

    In C#, the Nullable<T> type is a powerful tool that allows developers to represent a value that can be either a specified value type or null. This is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to represent the absence of a value, rather than a default value. For instance, in a database, an integer column…

  • What are Iterators in Python?

    What are Iterators in Python?

    Python is a versatile language with a great deal of built-in functionality. A core concept in Python is iterables. An iterable is any Python object capable of returning its members one at a time, permitting it to be iterated over in a for-loop. Familiar examples of iterables include lists, tuples, and strings. Key Takeaways Python…

  • How to Resolve Merge Conflicts in Git

    How to Resolve Merge Conflicts in Git

    Git is an essential tool for developers, allowing them to collaborate on projects and maintain version control. However, when multiple developers work on the same codebase, conflicts can arise. One of the most common challenges developers face is resolving merge conflicts in Git. This article will guide you through understanding and resolving these conflicts. For…

  • Using async and await for Asynchronous Programming in C#

    Using async and await for Asynchronous Programming in C#

    Asynchronous programming is a crucial aspect of modern software development, especially when dealing with I/O-bound operations like network requests, database access, or file system interactions. C# offers a powerful and intuitive way to handle asynchronous programming using the async and await keywords. This article will delve into the core concepts of async and await in…

  • How to Use Lambda Expressions in C#

    How to Use Lambda Expressions in C#

    Lambda expressions in C# are a concise way to represent anonymous methods. They provide a simple mechanism to write functions that can be used in places where delegate types are expected. With the evolution of C# and the introduction of LINQ (Language Integrated Query), lambda expressions have become an integral part of the language. Key…

  • Convert a String to an Integer in C#

    Convert a String to an Integer in C#

    Data Types in C# In C#, data types are categorized into value types and reference types. Integers (int) are value types, and strings (string) are reference types. When dealing with data conversion, especially from string to integer, it’s crucial to ensure the string represents a valid integer. For instance, the string “123” can be converted…

  • What is Azure Databricks?

    What is Azure Databricks?

    Azure Databricks is a cloud-based platform designed to simplify the process of building big data and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. It is a collaboration between Microsoft and Databricks, aiming to bring the capabilities of Apache Spark, Delta Lake, and other open-source tools to the Azure cloud. This platform offers a unified analytics environment, making it…

  • How to Use Extension Methods in C#

    How to Use Extension Methods in C#

    Extension methods in C# are a powerful feature that allows developers to add new methods to existing types without modifying them. This is particularly useful when you want to extend the functionality of a class or struct from an external library or framework. Summary: Understanding Extension Methods What are Extension Methods? Extension methods are a…

  • Python Generator Expressions

    Python Generator Expressions

    Python Generator expressions provide a concise way to create generator objects, which are iterators that yield one item at a time and can be used in a memory-efficient manner. This article is a deep dive into Python generator expressions, their benefits, and how to use them effectively. Key Takeaways: Understanding Generators Generators in Python are…