A blog about C#, Python, Azure and full stack development

Tag: productivity

  • How To Use The Backslash Key on a RK61 Keyboard

    How To Use The Backslash Key on a RK61 Keyboard

    RK61 and Backslash TLDR To type backslash in Windows 10 on a RK61 keyboard, you must press ‘Ctrl-Alt-\’ Windows 10 I struggled with this for a while and the solution seems a little counter-intuative. When using an RK61 mechanical keyboard, it seems a little tricky to actually type the backslash character (not to be confused…

  • My Workflow

    My Workflow

    TLDR For my developer workflow, I use Polyglot Notebooks as a central hub for all note-taking. I can link out to external resources, run code inline, include diagrams, export rich content to a variety of mediums and is searchable. I maintain a simple but consistent folder structure which is great for keeping things findable –…

  • PowerShell Quick Reference List

    PowerShell Quick Reference List

    This PowerShell quick reference is a collection of handy PowerShell examples, some that I have found useful in my day to day tasks, others just illustrating their simplest usage as a reference. I use this page as a quick reference if I need to grab a working example for a given problem. Hopefully you will…

  • Git Crib Sheet

    Git Crib Sheet

    Welcome to my Git crib sheet: A collection of handy git commands in one place. Creating a repo Checking repo details Viewing commit history Committing changes Pulling / Pushing Branching / Merging Merging Tags Stashing