A blog about C#, Python, Azure and full stack development

Tag: Azure

  • AZ-204 Revision Notes – Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)

    AZ-204 Revision Notes – Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)

    What is MSAL? The Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) enables applications to authenticate users using a variety of Microsoft identities. It allows applications to leverage the Microsoft identity platform, supporting authentication with Microsoft accounts, Azure AD accounts, and accounts from other identity providers that are integrated with Azure AD. Key Features MSAL vs. ADAL MSAL is…

  • Azure TLS Mutual Authentication

    Azure TLS Mutual Authentication

    Azure client certificate authentication, or TLS Mutual Authentication, lets app users sign in by providing a certificate as proof of identity. A trusted party, often the app publisher, gives this certificate. It confirms the user’s identity, offering a stronger security level than just password authentication since no one can forge the certificate. The presentation and…

  • AZ-204 Pass Notes – Azure Regions and Availability

    AZ-204 Pass Notes – Azure Regions and Availability

    Azure Regions and Availability Azure services can be provisioned in such a way as to take advantage of the scale and diversity of the Azure ecosystem. As a cloud provider, Microsoft’s Azure services are served out of many datacentres across the globe. This massive global coverage gives us, as solution designers and developers, the opportunity…